
The Architect


Archt.Priyantha premathilake established his own practice in year 2005, having serving as a Consultant Architect at Design Consortium (DCL),over period of 15 years. Although the practice has a short short history, it has completed many projects in various diciplines. The Company ispresetly involving in vast range of projects in apartments, housing projects, commercial buildings, offices, interior designs and many personalized housing.


Our intension is to achieve the excellence in all aspects related to the architectural practice by producing unique designs, through creativity and cost effectiveness. We list to our clients needs, analyze them systematically and would it suit social, cultural environment. We believe in customer satisfaction as a mode of advertisement.



Academic qualifications


Housing and Town Improvement Ordinance 1915

Town and Country Planning Ordinance 1945

Urban Development Authority Act 1978

UDA Planning and Building Regulations

Urban Development Authority (Special Provision) Act

Draft Regulations for Low Income Settlements

Community Building Guidelines by National Housing Development Authority (NHDA)

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